Our Sabatier sharpening steel is ideal for daily maintenance being made of hardened steel tapered to a point with grooves running down the length. Whilst technically not sharpening the blade by removing metal from the edge, it straightens out any distortion caused by the blade coming into contact with hard surfaces, such as bone or your chopping board, and so helps maintain a cutting edge.
To keep your steel in good condition it should be washed and dried thoroughly after use with soap and water, taking care to ensure the grooves are clean. Again do not put your Thiers Issard Sabatier steel in a dishwasher as the combination of hot water and caustic chemicals may damage the steel, the rivets and the handle.
We also stock the Strop-IT Supex 77-1 strop which has been specifically designed for knife sharpening. Replacement beds and diamond pastes are also available.
If you are minded to hone your knives then a selection of hones may be found at our sister site